One very important thing that many
individuals don’t do is warm up. The warm up is extremely important.
Imagine that your muscles are like taffy. If you stick that taffy in the
sun, where it gets warm, you will be able to stretch it. If you
put that piece of taffy in the freezer and then pull on it, it will
snap. You don’t want this to happen with your muscles, which is
why everyone should warm up before stretching. For your warm up you
can walk, jog, bike or what ever you enjoy. This may be difficult or
"boring" but it still needs to be done. It does not have to be done at
a high intensity but rather at a moderate to light intensity level. A proper
warm up usually lasts about ten minutes. You will know you are warmed up
because you should be sweating.
After you have warmed up you should
now do some gentle stretching. Gentle is the key here. Do not force your
stretches. Just relax and let your body stretch as far as it can comfortably
stretch. Here are some low backstretches you can do if your doctor clears
you to do so.
Double and single leg pulls lying
(stretch exercise)
Lay flat on your back. Keep your left leg straight and
bend your right leg. Grab your right knee and gently pull it towards your
chest. Repeat for the other leg. For double leg grab both knees and pull
towards your chest.

Stiff legged pull Ins (stretch
This is similar to the single leg pull ins except now
your leg is straight and you are grabbing the back of your leg behind your
knee and pulling that towards your chest.
Laying twisting stretch
(stretch exercise)
Lay flat on the ground. Put your right elbow on the
ground on your right side. Take your right leg (keeping it straight and
extend it across your body keeping your leg straight. At first you will most
likely not be able to keep your elbow on the ground while your leg is as
well. Hold 10-30 sec and repeat to the other side.

Seated cross over leg stretch (stretch exercise)
Sit on your but with legs straight and together. Bend
your right leg and place your right foot on the left side of your knee,
keeping your left leg straight. With you left hand reach as far back as
possible behind you and place your hand firmly behind you. Take your right
elbow and place it on the left side of your left knee and gently twist your
upper body so that you are trying to look behind yourself. Hold for 10-30
sec and repeat to the other side.
Sit and reach right left middle (stretch exercise)
Sit on your butt with your legs spread apart. Reach
both hands for your right foot while you are leaning over at the waist. Your
upper body should be over your right leg. Hold stretch for 10-30 seconds and
switch to your left leg. After you have completed the stretch with each leg
lean to the middle and grab both legs. Here your upper body will be over the
air in between your legs.
Double toe touch (stretch exercise)
straight up with feet together. Slowly and gently lower your arms down and
reach for your toes. You will bend at the waist for this stretch. Keep your
knees close to straight and you can have a slight bend at the knees. Hold
stretch for 10-30 seconds.
 Crossed leg toe touch
(stretch exercise)
Similar to the double toe touch. Here you will place
your right foot on the other side of your left foot. Then you will proceed
to bend at the waist and reach for your toes. You will have a slight bend at
the knees. Be careful with this stretch because you will be off balance.
Stand next to something you can grab onto if you lose your balance so you
don’t fall.
Buddha Stretch (stretch exercise)
Sit on the ground and bring your feet together in front
of you. Here you want the bottoms of your shoes touching each other. You
want your heels as close to your pelvic area as you can. Grab your toes
with both hands and pull in on your feet while pushing your legs away with
your elbows.

Butt/Hip Stretch (stretch exercise)
Sit down and keep your left leg straight and bring your
right foot in towards your pelvic area. With your left-hand grab the right
side of your right foot and with your right hand grab the shin of your right
leg. Gently pull your foot towards your stomach.

Precore Low Back Stretch (stretch
Sit on the machine and place the safety straps onto
your hands. Grab the top rail with your palms facing the ground. Gently ease
your body to the floor leading with your butt.

Precore Groin/Hip Stretch (stretch
Sit on the machine and place the safety straps onto
your hands. This stretch is much like the Buddha stretch. Bring your feet in
towards your pelvic area. Place the bottom of your shoes together and bring
your heels as close to your pelvic area as you can. Grab the bottom rail
with your palms facing the ground and gently ease your body towards the
floor leading with your butt.

Precore Upper Back Stretch (stretch
Sit on the machine and place the safety straps onto
your hands. Grab onto the bottom rail with your palms facing up this time.
Gently ease your body to the floor leading with your butt.

Back Strengthening
Triceps |