Wouldn't it be great if there was a safe and natural way to build more
muscle in a shorter period of time? In this day and age of exercise
gimmicks and quick fix solutions, most smart bodybuilders and fitness
enthusiasts would be skeptical if they heard such a claim. But guess what?
Such an "animal" really does exist. No, it's not a drug. It's not some
miracle supplement, either. Nor is it a newfangled piece of workout
machinery. If you've been training seriously for any length of time, it's
something you're probably already familiar with but haven't fully
exploited to the maximum degree. What is this method for building more
muscle in less time? Surprise, surprise; it's called supersetting!
Even if you've used supersets before, you may not be familiar with all
the different types of supersets or the many ways you can incorporate them
into your workouts. Just in case you're not familiar with supersets, let
me start from the beginning and explain the difference between a
conventional set and a superset.
Conventional weight training is done with "straight sets." A straight
set is performed by doing a series of repetitions; 8-12 in a row for
example, then stopping to rest for a minute or so before doing another
set. A superset is an advanced training technique where you perform two
exercises in a row with virtually no rest in between. Supersets are an
excellent technique for muscular development, especially if you are short
on time. Supersets are not, however, the most effective technique for
building strength or power. Let me explain why...
When you perform two exercises in a row with no rest in between, this
will reduce the amount of weight you can handle, particularly in the
second movement. Your strength will also decrease from fatigue with each
subsequent superset. Because supersets don't allow you to use maximal
weights, they are not well-suited to building strength. Supersets are
definitely a body building and "shaping" technique. You seldom see
powerlifters or strength athletes doing supersets. In fact, they usually
do the opposite; they take longer rest intervals between sets so that they
can recuperate as much as possible. After a 3-5 minute recovery period,
they can attack each set with maximum strength. If you are still fatigued
from the previous set, and you start another set too soon, you won't be
able to lift as much weight.
Ok, now you know what a superset is. The question is; why should you
bother using them? There are three primary advantages of superset training
over conventional straight set training:
1. Supersets save time. The most obvious advantage of supersetting is
to save time. Even if you truly enjoy training, it's probably safe to
assume that you wouldn't mind getting equal or better results in a shorter
period of time.
2. Supersets increase intensity. Usually when you think of high
intensity, you think of forced reps, descending sets, negatives, etc.
Supersets are simply another method of increasing intensity. Shortening
the rest between sets is hard work – especially if you're used to a long
rest interval. The principle is: more work performed in less time equals
more intensity and more intensity equals more muscle.
3. Supersets prevent injury or allow you to work around an injury. I
stumbled on the value of supersets as a way to train around injuries at
the age of 20 when I ruptured a disc in my lower back. I was a strong
squatter at a very young age, doing 405 lbs for 6 reps before I was 20
years old. After the injury, I wanted to maintain my leg size without
putting so much stress on the lower back. Because I could no longer squat
more than 315lbs without re-injuring my back, I sought a way to maintain
my leg size without super heavy squats. Out of necessity, I started doing
high reps and supersets. After a relatively brief period training in this
fashion, my quads quickly grew to become my best body part. With the
exception of brief strength phases when I do straight sets with as much
weight as I can, I utilize supersets extensively for quads to this day.
Supersets allow you to overload a muscle and generate high intensity
without requiring heavy weights. This decreases your chances of injury.
There are three primary categories of supersets: 1) same muscle group,
2) agonist-antagonist, and 3) staggered sets. Let's take a look at each
category and a few examples of each.
1. Same muscle group. The first and most common category of
supersetting is to combine two exercises for the same muscle group. An
example would be supersetting dumbbell flyes with the bench press.
Within the "same muscle group" superset category there are four
sub-categories. Each one has a slightly different effect:
Pre-exhaust. Pre-exhaustion is probably the best known and most
effective type of superset of all. A pre exhaust superset is performed by
choosing two exercises for the same muscle group; an isolation exercise
first, followed by a basic, compound movement.
The idea behind pre-exhaust supersets is to take a muscle group beyond
the normal point of exhaustion and thereby achieve muscle fiber
stimulation and growth that you normally could not achieve from a straight
set. Here's how this works: Suppose you are doing a set of leg extensions
for your thighs and you push yourself until you can't do another rep. Most
people think their legs are finished at this point and that they couldn't
go further if they tried. The quadriceps muscles may indeed be completely
exhausted - you couldn't do another leg extension if you tried - but by
walking over to the squat rack, you'll find that you are still able to do
squats (albeit with a lighter poundage than usual). Why? Because even
though the quadriceps reached total failure on the leg extension exercise,
other lower body muscles that are used in a squat are still fresh and
strong (glutes, hamstrings, adductors and different sections of the
quadriceps group.) By "pre-exhausting" the target muscle with an isolated
movement, you can then continue to blast the fatigued muscle even further
with the help of the assisting muscles in the compound movement.
The only drawback with pre exhaust supersets is that you will only be
able to use a fraction of your normal weight on the second exercise. Let's
say you can normally squat with 315 for 10 reps when you do the exercise
first. When you switch the order and do leg extensions first, you might
find that your quads are so fried from the leg extensions that even 225
lbs for 10 reps on the squat is difficult. That's ok when it comes to
muscle growth, but if your goal is power or strength then this would be
counter productive. If strength is your primary goal, it would be better
to just do straight sets of squats and to do your squats first. In a
periodized training schedule for a bodybuilder, straight sets should be
used almost exclusively during the off season strength and mass phase.
Supersets can be added later during the pre-contest phase.
PRE-EXHAUST SUPERSETS Isolation Exercise (1st) Compound Exercise (2nd)
(1)Leg Extension / (2)Squat
(1)Leg Curl /(2) Stiff Leg Deadlift
(1)Dumbell Pullover / (2)Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown
(1)Tricep Pushdown / (2)Close Grip Bench Press
(1)Dumbell Flyes / (2)Bench Press
(1)Dumbell Side Laterals / (2)Military Press
(1)Barbell Curl / (2)Curl Grip Pullups
Post-exhaust. The opposite of pre exhaust is post exhaust. In a post
exhaust superset you would again choose a basic compound movement and an
isolation movement. This time, however, you would perform the compound
movement first and the isolation movement second. The advantage of the
post exhaust superset is that you will be fresh on the compound movement
so you can use more weight. Post exhaust supersets can also be used as an
effective variation on the heavy-light system. For example, instead of
just doing the regular sets of 8-12 reps, choose a heavy basic movement
for the first exercise and do about 6 reps. Then, follow it with a lighter
isolation movement and do around 20 reps. This gives you the best possible
of both worlds: a) size and strength increase, and b) isolation with a
wicked pump.
POST-EXHAUST SUPERSETS Compound Exercise (1st) Isolation Exercise (2nd)
(1)Leg Press / (2)Leg Extension
(1)Incline Bench Press / (2)Incline Dumbbell flyes
(1)Press Behind The Neck / (2)Dumbbell Side Laterals
(1)Close Grip Bench Press / (2)Rope Pushdowns
Compound superset. This type of superset is reserved for very brave
people. Supersetting two compound exercises together can create amazing
muscle growth in a very short period of time, but it's incredibly
demanding and exhausting. It takes all the energy you can muster to get
through a series of compound supersets. It is also very taxing on the
nervous system and requires that special attention be paid to recovery
after the session. An example would be supersetting squats with leg
presses. Combinations like these can easily leave you lying flat on your
back gasping for air (but the results are well worth it!)
COMPOUND SUPERSETS Compound Exercise #1 Compound Exercise #2
(1)Squats / (2) Leg Press
(1)Bent Over Rows / (2) Deadlifts
NOTE: A word of caution about pre exhaust and compound supersets: If
your second exercise is a compound free weight movement that requires a
great deal of neuromuscular coordination or is the type of exercise that
requires a spotter, pay extra attention to your form. When your prime
movers are fatigued from the first exercise, you may feel "wobbly" and
your form is much more likely to break in the second exercise. If you let
your form become sloppy because you are fatigued, you are more likely to
get injured. It's not uncommon for pre-fatigued muscles to give out
suddenly without warning. If this happens during a bench press or squat
and you don't have a spotter or safety mechanism in place, the results
could be disastrous. A safer method, especially for beginners, is to
select a movement for the second exercise that requires less skill and
coordination (leg press, smith machine squat, hack squat) or one with a
built in safeguard (power rack, safety catch, spotter, etc).
Isolation supersets. The fourth and final way to do a same muscle group
superset is to superset two isolation exercises, such as cable crossovers
and dumbbell flyes. This is a useful technique for isolating one
particular muscle group or section of a muscle group to the exclusion of
others. It is used most often during pre-contest or definition phases when
mass and strength are no longer the primary concerns.
ISOLATION SUPERSETS Isolation Exercise #1 Isolation Exercise #2
(1)Dumbbell Flyes / (2)Cable Crossover
(1)Leg Extension / (2)Sissy Squat
Ok, now that you know all four types of same muscle group supersets,
let's take a look at the other two categories of supersetting:
antagonistic supersets and staggered supersets.
2. Antagonistic muscle groups. When you do two exercises in a row for
the same muscle group, it tends to significantly limit the amount of
weight you can use because of fatigue and lactic acid buildup. Pairing
opposing (antagonistic) muscle groups together can help you keep your
strength up because as one muscle is working, the opposite one is resting.
Common examples include pairing biceps with triceps, chest with back, or
hamstrings with quadriceps. This is also an excellent technique for
bringing up lagging body parts (priority training). For example, barbell
curls paired with Tricep pushdowns are a great combination for blasting
the arms.
ANTAGONISTIC SUPERSETS Exercise #1 Exercise #2
(1)Barbell Curl / (2) Tricep Extension
(1)Leg Extension / (2)leg Curl
3. Staggered sets. The final category of supersetting is staggered
sets. A staggered set is a type of superset where you combine a major
muscle with a minor and completed unrelated muscle. This technique is most
commonly used for abs and calves. The way you use this principle is to
"squeeze in" a set of abs or calves in between sets for any major muscle
group. For example, you could throw in a set of calves in between every
set of chest you do. Instead of resting and doing nothing in between sets
of chest, you are doing something productive - working your calves! This
gets your workout finished much more quickly and spares you the monotony
that many people feel from doing these small body parts by themselves.
As you can see, many benefits can be gained from including supersets in
your training program. They are a proven technique for increasing
intensity and bringing up lagging body parts. They allow you to gain
muscle while working around injuries that might be aggravated with heavy
weights. If your training program is getting stale, supersets can also
help relieve your boredom. Best of all, supersetting is a legitimate way
to get more results in less time. If you need to squeeze a
result-producing workout into a short period of time, then supersets could
be the answer to your muscle-building prayers.
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