streaming videos of strength training and back care
Note: These files contain several
megabytes, and may take time to view: the size of each file is
listed, in megabytes (MB). To view, simply roll the mouse over the
picture whose video you would like to see.
If you would like to see
additional video's, or have any comments or suggestions, please e mail us
(from the "contact page")

back strengthening; hyperextensions

chest strengthening; pushup

back strengthening; dumbell row
chest strengthening; bench pushup

back stretching with Precor machine
forearm strengthening; wrist extension

leg strengthening; incline leg press

tricep strengthening; tricep rope extension
tricpe strengthening; tricep bar extension
2 MB
chest strengthening; pec deck
4.3 MB
forearm strengthening; bar bell
wrist curl
2.5 MB
strengthening; row
3 MB