Kraus Back and Neck Institute in Houston, TX

Relief from Lower Back and Neck Pain

surgery optionsavoid surgery
      At the Kraus Back and Neck Institute (KBNI), we specialize
                 in non-surgical as well as surgical treatments
                                of Back and Neck  Pain
     Conservative to Surgical Options: MINIMALLY INVASIVE SPINE SUGERY 
 "Applying Science to the Art of Medicine"                                                  
                 Dr. Kraus is available for Neurosurgery consultation (surgical and non-surgical) in Houston.
                      Offices:  1) West Houston Medical Center
                                    2) Memorial Hermann Memorial City Hospital
                                    3) Katy
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      To arrange  an appointment, call 281-870-9292,  visit
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              For national and international patients, we can help with  travel arrangements
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                                            Dr. Kraus is honored to be listed in
                                            "Best Doctors in America" (2001-2008) and
                                             "Top Doctors of Houston, Texas" (2007, 2008, 2009)     

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Causes (cont'd)

  • arthritis ( osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis )
        this degeneration of joints can occur throughout the body, and the spine is no exception.  To some degree, a certain degree of arthritis is just part of the normal aging process.  Degeneration of the joints, with associated narrowing of the openings through which the nerves travel (foramina), is common.  Bone spurs are seen frequently as well.  Rheumatoid arthritis, which can affect patients quite severely, usually doesn't affect the lower spine as much, although these patients can often have abnormalities of the C1/2 junction, which is located at the top of the cervical spine, in the neck.
  • deformities
        these fall under several categories, depending upon which way the spine is curved.  If the spine is curved forward, in a flexed position, it is known as a kyphosis.  If the spine is bent backward, as if one is leaning back, is is known as lordosis.  And if it is curved from side to side, it is known as scoliosis.  Certainly more than one of these curves can be present in a patient.  The spine is very elegantly designed to support our bodies, while maintaining the center of gravity over out feet.  By disturbing this finely placed center of gravity, as in a curved spine, there are undue stresses, torques and tensions placed upon the remainder of the spine, resulting in pain, and accelerated degeneration.
  • kyphosis
        this "stooped over" position can occur as a result of chronic poor posture, compression fractures, or birth defects.  While it usually affects the upper back, low back pain can ensue due to the altered strains placed upon the rest of the spine, to support the upper spine.
  • lordosis
        this swayback stance, often can result from postural corrections to counterbalance weight difficulties.  It too can lead to low back pain.
  • scoliosis
        this type of curvature of the spine seems to have a predilection for teenage girls, around the time of puberty.  While often halted by braces or exercises, if it becomes severe, it can change the chest cavity shape, affecting heart and lung function.
  • fibromyalgia
        this is a diagnosis given to some patients who experience low back pain, aching joints, diffuse non-discript pain, fatigue and difficulty with sleep.  It is really a syndrome, and not a specific disease.  These is no test of  x ray which can diagnose it.  These is usually an emotional component to this syndrome. 
  • osteomyelitis (infection)
        infection may occur in the vertebral bodies of the spine, as a result of previous spinal surgery, or it may travel from other infected organs (such as kidneys or bladder) through the blood. While it is relatively uncommon, patients with diabetes, or other diseases affecting the immune system, are at a higher risk. 
  • osteomalacia
        this softening of the bones of the body, due to a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus, is often corrected by supplementat vitamin D and calcuim.
  • cancer
        most cancers of the spine have spread from other parts of the body (metastases).  Common causes are breast and prostate cancers.  Some cancers, such as multiple myeloma, can originate within the spine.  Typically, the low back pain associated with cancer of the spine is NOT relieved by lying down. 
  • referred pain
        kidney infections, ulcers and gallstones can cause pain in the low back.
  • arachnoiditis
        pain and numbness in the legs can occur as a result of this condition, which is a scarring of the arachnoid membrane , which is a covering of the nerve roots.  Arachnoid, or "spiderlike," this membrane is so named because of it's weblike appearance under the operating microscope.  The most common cause is previous surgery, although some patients may suffer if they have had myelograms in the past. 
  • diskitis
        an infection in the disk space is unusual in a patient who has not undergone a lumbar surgery, but it is more prevalent in patients who have a compromised immnue system. 
  • reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)
         a painful burning sensation in an extremity, usually precipitated by trauma, often minor in nature;  the exact cause is poorly understood, but it often responds to blockade of the sympathetic nervous system;  responsive to spinal cord stimulation





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