Low back pain team

Gary Kraus, M.D., director lowback-pain.com
Medical Director, Neuroscience Center, West Houston Medical Center
Medical Director, Gamma Knife Center, West Houston
Houston, Texas
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Texas Medical School at Houston
Houston, Texas, USA
Co-founder, Cyberacuity, LLC (
www.cyberacuity.com )
Formerly: Co-founder and Associate Medical Director: Wallace Kettering
Neuroscience Institute
Formerly: Director, Gamma Knife Department, Kettering Medical Center
Areas of Interest: complex spine surgery, minimally invasive surgery, lumbar disc disease, cervical disc
disease, brain tumors, Gamma Knife ,
pressure hydrocephalus, non-surgical treatment of neck and low back pain,
brain surgery with navigation
Stuyvesant High School, New York City, N.Y.
B.S. : Physics / Electrical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic
M.D. : State University of New York/Stony Brook School of Medicine
Neurosurgery Residency: St. Louis University School of Medicine
Fellowship Neurovascular and Skull Base Surgery: Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, Arizona
medical staff appointments:
West Houston Medical Center
Memorial Hermann Memorial City Hospital
Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital
Spring Branch Medical Center
Publications: stereo textbook/atlas of
neurosurgical approaches (published by Williams and Wilkens); numerous chapters and peer reviewed papers
 Dr. Kraus is
seen with a patient of his. She had a blood vessel malformation within
her brain, which was successfully removed. Here she is seen as Alice,
performing in in her high school play Alice in Wonderland.
More about Dr. Kraus

Jonathan H. Murray
Certified Fitness Trainer (International Sports Sciences Association)
BS Exercise Physiology/ Wellness: Ohio Northern University "Working with
the team on lowback-pain.com is important to me because I have suffered two
serious back injuries in my life and am currently 100% pain free. I
fractured three vertebrae in my back when I was young and I injured my lower
back again in a
power lifting accident. Since these injuries I have
built myself back up to the position of one of the top ranked power lifters
in the nation (in my age and weight class, respectively) and I am currently
pursuing strongest man competitions. I have rehabilitated my back so
well that the team wanted me to enclose a photo of myself doing a partial
dead lift of one thousand pounds. This was done pain free.
Joyce Vedral is a #1 New York Times, USA Today and Publishers Weekly
Best-selling Fitness author whose books and video's have sold over three
million copies. She is a certified personal trainer, accredited by the ISSA
(The International Sports Sciences Association.) Joyce is also a Ph.D. in
English Literature (New York University) and has applied her research
abilities to the fitness world, where she met and trained with the Father of
Fitness, Joe Weider–publisher of Muscle and Fitness, Shape and Sports
Fitness magazines. Joe gives Joyce's workouts his unqualified seal of
approval! Her constant appearances on the talk show circuit has made her
name as a fitness expert a household word. Joyce is a sought after lecturer
and fitness instructor. Joyce taught teenagers at the high school level for
twenty five years!
Joyce says: "After getting fatter every year despite dieting and working
out hours a day, I was ashamed to stand in front of my class (I was an
English teacher). I did the research, and soon realized that champion
bodybuilders had the secrets to body shaping. Why re-invent the wheel? I
applied the principles to myself modifying them to get feminine muscularity,
and In a matter of 12 weeks my body was transformed." Warner books became
very excited and began publishing Joyce's workouts, which ended up in
video! The rest is history.
Joyce says: "If I can do it you can do it too. I didn't even pick up a
weight until I was 39– and looked better than ever in my life in a matter of
months. (Go to Joyce's site and see her before and after photo's
Now, at 58 Joyce has the bones and body of twenty-five year old! Joyce says,
"The key is to do it–like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. You don't
have to get a thrill out of it, just do it. Joyce answers e mail personally.

Mike Pedersen, BS, CPT
President and Founder of Golf-Trainer.com
and the Golf Trainer Power Performance Program™
Mike Pedersen founded
the Golf Trainer Power Performance Program™ to help educate golfers
of all ages and abilities the importance of fitness for golf. President of
Golf-trainer.com (GT), he is the author of the four GolfTrainer on-line
books and has designed all the customized golf-specific strength training,
flexibility training, and cardiovascular exercise programs. He has trained
and educated people in exercise and nutrition for more than 17 years.
After graduating from
Oregon State University with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise
Physiology, he moved on to decathlon competition and was a
nationally-ranked decathlete for Canada from 1987 to 1989. Mike has been
certified by the American Council on Exercise since 1986. He worked as
fitness director of a major health club chain and has had his own private
fitness business for 13 years.
He began applying his
knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics of the swing to the individual golfers
he works with. He has run the Golf Fitness program at Desert Mountain
Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona, one of the premier private golf clubs
in the United States with five golf courses and a sixth in the works as well
as a state-of-the-art fitness facility.
Mike has given many
seminars on Fitness for Golf to golfers at all levels and of all ages
as well as to teaching golf pros. He has written extensively on this
subject, and published articles include "Get Fit To Play Better Golf" (Sun
Golf Magazine) "Golf Fitness: The Missing Link" (Arizona Golf
Association Magazine) "Play Consistently for 18 Holes" (Sun Golf
Magazine), and "Hit It Longer And Straighter" (Arizona Golfer).
Mike is in the
developmental stages of writing a golf-fitness manual and exploring the
possibility of a companion golf-fitness video. In addition, he has consulted
with many of the top fitness experts in the country to enhance his fitness

Lisa Mosing, MS, RD, FADA
Lisa Mosing, MS, RD, FADA
is the owner of Nutrition Works, an eighteen-year-old nutrition
consulting firm. She is the nutritional spokesperson for a select group of
food and nutrition companies. In her practice, she also counsels patients,
develops nutrition programs, serves as a technical nutrition expert, creates
recipes and conducts nutrition seminars.
is the author of books, pamphlets and journal articles and is a sought after
speaker. She frequently appears as a food and nutrition expert on national,
international and local television. Mosing has been published or quoted in
Consumer’s Digest, GreatLife, Healing MD, Fit, Epotec, New Body,
Nutrition Entrepreneurs, USA Diets, Your Life, Well and Healthy
Woman, Woman’s Day, Sacramento Bee, The Los Angeles Times, The Orange County
Register and The Chicago Tribune.
Mosing has also
conducted health seminars for such notable companies as Mattel, Motorola,
Beckman, Unocal, Tosco, Magnvox, Honey Hill Yogurt, Lucky Stores, Inc. and
Vogue. She has served as the nutrition director for Lucky Stores,
Multi-Media Ventures, Chicago Health Clubs and Exercise Centers of Georgia
and Illinois and as a nutrition instructor at local colleges.
In addition, Mosing is
a nutrition consultant to food companies, advertising agencies, publishing
firms and medical groups. She has a BA in biology and foods and nutrition
from Saint Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota and a MS in
nutritional science from California State University,
Long Beach. Mosing is also
certified by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

Chad Tackett, CPT
President and Creator of Global Health Fitness
Chad Tackett has BS degrees in Exercise and Health Science and Nutrition
from Oregon State University, and is certified as a professional Personal
Trainer and Weight Management Specialist by the American Council on Exercise
(ACE). Additional professional education has included several dozen
personal trainer/health-and-fitness seminar taught by professionals from
around the world. Chad has trained and educated people in exercise and
nutrition for more than eight years.
Chad is a regular guest lecturer to professional and lay audiences on the
principles of effective exercise and habits and has personally worked with
more than three thousand individuals both on and off line. Chad also
writes fitness articles, fit tips, exercise instructions, Q and A columns,
and healthy recipes for more than 300 health related magazines, newsletters
and websites. He is president of
Global Health and Fitness.

William O. Witt, M.D.
Chairman Emeritus, Anesthesiology
University of Kentucky
Chandler Medical Center
Professor, Anesthesiology and Neurosurgery
Director, Pain Management Center
Consulting Physician to the President, U.A.E.
Dr. Witt has a vast experience in treating pain through invasive and
non-invasive methods. His academic accomplishments include Chairing
the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Kentucky. He has
had numerous publications and been the recipient of several research grants
(curriculum vitae).
Dr. Witt is a widely known and respected
lecturer in the sub-specialty of Pain Management. As Director of the
University of Kentucky Center for Pain Management he personally consults on
as many as 600 patients weekly. His practice is devoted to treating a wide
variety of acute and chronic pain problems. He has lectured on this subject
at numerous National and International Conferences.
Dr. Bryan Brodeur
St. Albert, Alberta
Undergraduate studies: University of Alberta
Chiropractic degree: Parker College of Chiropractic
Dallas, Texas
Website director: www.vitalityhouse.com
The lowback pain team would like to express special
thanks to Mr. Larry Pacifico. Mr. Pacifico is the owner of
Gym, holds numerous world records in powerlifting, and has been very
gracious in allowing his excellent gym to be used for many of the exercise
and strength training demonstrations. |